A Quick Reference Guide to Troll Fishing

A Quick Reference Guide to Troll Fishing

Want to try troll fishing for the first time?

With spring just around the bend, surface trolling is a perfect place to start due to prime water temperatures.

By summertime, when the fish start hanging out in depths too deep for the average line to reach, you’ll be all ready to try deep trolling.

So what do you need to know to get started?

The Basics

Simply put, trolling is a method of fishing where baited lines are trailed from a moving watercraft.

Some of you prefer a buffet to one food choice from a menu, fish are the same, particularly during the warmer months. You are much more likely to get a bite if you present your picky eaters with options!

Make sure you have a large variety of lures for some truly legit trolling.

As the water temperature increases this spring, so will the depths where fish loiter. But unlike trollers, fish are more likely to be interested in a meal they don’t have to chase too far.

Let’s talk about how you can work your way into the depths.

For Starters

The supplies you will need this spring depend entirely on what types of trolling you want to try.

If you are limited to an engine-less watercraft, flat-lining is the method to use. You will want to have trolling rods (longer than most rods and gear choices more appropriate for lots of reeling) and clamps to hold the rods securely in place.

If you plan to use a powerboat and are looking for a method that will allow you to troll just about anywhere, you can use lead core line or planer board trolling.

lead core fishing line is a weighted line. It is most effective for deep fishing and times when you have a small lure that needs some additional support sinking to its desired audience.

Just a heads up, if you do plan to use a small lure with a lead core line, be sure you have a swivel for connecting the two as the lead core lines tend to have greater girth than your average line.

Trolling using planer boards multiplies a fisherman’s ability to multitask exponentially. Many experienced trollers will rig at least three planers to maximize the surface area they cover.

Successful planer boarding requires the proper equipment. To avoid a big knotted mess, look into getting the right planer boards, line, and release clip.

In the Deep

Downrigging or deep water trolling can be a bit more complicated and is ideal for fishing in deep bodies of water with warm summer weather.

Materials you will need: deep-fishing cable, downrigger, weights, release clip, any sonar or electronic device that can help you determine the depth and temperature of the water.

Once you’re in the deep with the right equipment, there are all sorts of tactics you can try while finding your preferred trolling method.

Remember to keep an eye on where you’re driving the boat, and don’t stop even when you have something on the line.

Like most rewarding hobbies, deep water trolling involves preparation and practice. Once mastered, deep water trolling can be one of the most rewarding forms of fishing.

Looking to be equipped for the spring fishing season?

Yellow Bird Fishing Products has what you need to maximize the art of trolling.

Check out our store page or for all questions call (815) 469-9686

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